The lectures will take place in the lecture hall of the Institute of Earth Sciences, Department of Mineralogy and Petrology of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Universitätsplatz 2/II and are organized in cooperation with the Austrian Mineralogical Society, the Austrian Geological Society, the Austrian Palaeontological Society, the Austrian Association for Hydrogeology, the Natural Science Association for Styria and the Joanneum Association Graz.
HS 02.23, 12:15
Termine / Dates
15.10.2024 | Prof. Dr. Laurence Warr (Universität Greifswald) | Clays and climate: a global perspective |
22.10.2024 | Prof. Dr. Dražen Balen (University of Zagreb) | Mineralogical evidence for the identification of high-temperature igneous and metamorphic events in the Late Cretaceous collision zone (Sava Zone) of the African and European plates |
12.11.2024 | Dr. Andreas Kurka (Wien) | Angewandte Mineralogie: Beispiele aus der Ziegelindustrie |
19.11.2024 | Dr. Catherine Beltran (GeoSphere Austria) | The power of Geochemistry – From paleoenvironmental reconstruction to mineralogy |
26.11.2024 16:00 | Dr. Holger Paulick (GeoSphere Austria) | Woher kommen die mineralischen Rohstoffe für die E-Mobilität? Mit einem Exkurs: Neue Erkenntnis zur Genese von Lithiumpegmatiten in den Ostalpen |
3.12.2024 | Dr. Viktor Bertrandsson Erlandsson (Montanuniversität Leoben) | Sulfide geochemistry as a tool for understanding the formation processes of sediment-hosted Cu(-Co) deposits: trace element analyses, sulfur isotopes, and atom probe tomography |
10.12.2024 | Dr. Patrick Frings (GFZ Potsdam) | Carbon dioxide removal by enhanced silicate weathering: progress and potential |
21.1.2025 | Dr. Jassin Petersen (Universität zu Köln) | From calibrations for biogenic carbonates as climate archives towards Neogene reconstructions. |
28.1.2025 | Dr. Carsten Rühlemann (BGR, Deutschland) | Exploration von Manganknollen in der Tiefsee des Pazifiks durch den deutschen geologischen Dienst (BGR) |